The next stage – converting the decommissioned reservoir into a recreational lake – is full of costly concepts, but no capital budget to move forward.
Attorney for the plaintiffs says Scott is “playing the race card” as the battle to build high-rise apartments and commercial buildings at the Inner Harbor public park heats up.
Baltimore’s former top prosecutor has another outside gig while serving a home detention sentence for her three felony convictions.
The Baltimore Sun Guild denounced the action, saying Madeleine O’Neill “was fired by management because of her outspoken advocacy on behalf of workplace and journalistic standards.” ...
The Mayor’s Office of Homeless Services didn’t detect that it was paying a hotel owner and a vendor for the same meals. The hotel owner, unnamed in the report, is identified.
Critics of a ballot question needed for a waterfront apartment project to be built at Baltimore’s Inner Harbor Park were ecstatic today when a judge invalidated it, saying that the question violates ...
This is posted per Bob’s request regarding recent changes at the site: “Dear Subscribers, I am especially excited to share the following news with all of you. In 2001, I asked Wine Technologies to ...
Full text of the statement The Brew received Feb. 1 from MICA president Fred Lazarus IV: Thank you for your email concerning designated bike lanes on Mt. Royal Avenue. For many years, MICA has been ...