GIA is proud to provide the most comprehensive research in the industry with a world-renowned field gemology team and a dedication to acquiring colored stones directly from the source. Our ...
The GIA Laboratory-Grown Diamond Report includes full quality assessment with a plotted clarity diagram. Color and clarity specification are described on the same scale as the GIA Diamond Grading ...
Emeralds are again being mined in the historic district of the Ural Mountains. Physical, chemical, spectroscopic, and microscopic characteristics of stones from the recent production are presented and ...
CARLSBAD, California – September 23, 2024 – Everything retailers and their customers need to know about diamonds just got easier to find and understand with GIA’s redesigned consumer-facing website ...
提到摩根石的名称,就立即令人联想到美丽淡雅的粉红色、紫粉红色和橙粉红色。 - Robert Weldon(罗伯特·韦尔登),Mayer & Watt, Maysville 友情提供,肯塔基州 摩根石作为一种颜色柔和淡雅的宝石而 ...
橄榄石、尖晶石和褐红条纹玛瑙是三种八月生日石。众所周知,橄榄石生日石是在极端条件下形成的,可在硬化的熔岩中找到。这些岩浆从地幔深处携带橄榄石而来,也可以从来自外太空的陨石 ...
The green turquoise cabochon, from an American mine, might become part of a designer’s unique jewelry piece. The even blue color of the cabochon on the right would be called “Persian blue” in the ...
Diamonds have a long history as beautiful objects of desire. In the first century AD, the Roman naturalist Pliny stated: “Diamond is the most valuable, not only of precious stones, but of all things ...
如果您出生于六月,那么您很幸运,可以拥有三种生日石。六月是仅有的三个有三种生日石的月份之一(另外两个月份是八月和十二月),让您有各种各样美丽的生日石可以选择。 六月生日石是 ...
Twenty-six peridot samples from the Esquel pallasite meteorite and 27 samples from 10 terrestrial sources were studied by laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (LAICP- MS). Among ...
This 5.30-carat emerald from Brazil has a slightly bluish green color. Courtesy John Parrish, courtesy African, Brazilian, Colombian Gems Incorporated. Emerald has many special qualities, but colored ...
如果处理过程没有影响坚固性的问题,那么红宝石会是一种非常坚固的宝石。 - Jan Goodman 公司友情提供 硬度和韧度 莫氏硬度用以衡量宝石和矿物的硬度。 这些数字基于一种矿物可被其他物品划 ...