The European Union’s climate change advisory board’s recent recommendations on carbon removals are relevant for the bloc’s ...
From the economic point of view, globalization is the increasing intensification and interconnectivity of flows of goods, services, capital and people between countries and regions in all parts of the ...
MANCHESTER, Iowa -- For most of his 60 years, Francis Childs tended a farm here in obscurity. But this winter, his fellow farmers are lining up to hear him speak, academics are studying his ways, and ...
KANSAS CITY, Mo., March 23 (Reuters) - Farmland Industries said on Thursday it plans to sell its Dubuque, Iowa, pork processing plant to Smithfield Foods Inc. , the largest U.S. pork producer. The all ...
California became the first U.S. state to pass climate-related disclosure laws, which impose climate-related reporting ...
This paper presents the role of transnational corporations (TNCs) in the Malaysian economy with specific attention to its environmental implications, and regulatory measures to shield harmful effects.
The Suns South-North Development Monitor, edited by Chakravarthi Raghavan in Geneva, is published daily by Third World Network. All rights reserved, may not be ...
This paper summarises GRAIN's view of what should be done with the World Trade Organisation's Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Article 27.3(b) during its 1999 Review.
Preparations for the 1999 Ministerial Conference. Ministers [should] agree that existing WTO rules and decisions relating to RTAs should be clarified and, where appropriate, reinforced.