Simon Zadek argues that investing in biodiversity while the global economy continues to over-exploit resources is futile.
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Joseph E. Stiglitz, et al decry the counterproductive practice of imposing additional fees on countries in debt distress.
Kishore Mahbubani offers advice to Western diplomats attempting to engage with Asia, identifies risks to the region’s ...
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Barry Eichengreen hopes that political will on both sides catches up with the opporunities for cooperation that now exist.
Hippolyte Fofack urges governments to rethink constraints on public spending and increase investment in human capital.
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Rana Hendy & Lobna Shaheen urge policymakers to take decisive steps to address the inequalities fueling the rise in cesarean ...
Daniel Gros warns that political obstacles are preventing the widespread uptake of low-cost green technologies.
With less than two months to go until the US presidential election, the candidates’ opposing worldviews, objectives, and ...
Andrés Velasco & Daniel Brieba explain why the Democratic US presidential candidate's appeal to love of country is good ...