The carcass, reduced to a bony skeleton, measured about 6.5 feet and was surrounded by crawling creatures that fed on its ...
In a nutshell Migrating baleen whales transport thousands of tons of nutrients from cold, nutrient-rich feeding grounds to ...
Whales can become caught in rope that runs between shellfish creels on the seabed to a buoy on the surface. Trials have been done using "ropeless creels" which have the main line in a container along ...
A close encounter with one of these larger-than-life leviathans is a life-changing experience – here’s how and where to do it ...
A 16-ft. female beaked whale of the genus Mesoplodon, family Ziphiidae, drifted ashore at Delmar, about 15 miles north of San Diego, California, on June 10, 1954, One of us (R. M. G.) made body ...
A 49-year-old man has died after he was hit by a car while walking along the A71 in Irvine, North Ayrshire. Police were alerted to a man walking along the dual carriageway between the Greenwood ...
In 2024, Alex Dawson was named overall winner for his image of minke whale bones in shallow waters off eastern Greenland. And in 2023, US photographer Kat Zhou’s photo of a river dolphin, ...
North Ayrshire Council told BBC Scotland News moving the whale would depend on the tide. The UK government confirms the £20m support for seven Scottish sites will be able to proceed. The drug's ...
Adult California sea lion females have tan fur, while males have dark brown fur. Females grow to a maximum length of 6.5 feet (2 m) and weigh 242.5 pounds (110 kg) on average. Males are three to four ...
It took visitors on an adventure onboard RSS Discovery, which reached Antarctica five months after setting out in January 1902. Visitors could also take home an interactive augmented reality (AR) ...