Dibrugarh: Two abandoned infant Asiatic black bear cubs were rescued on Thursday morning from near a border outpost adjacent to the Dissoi Valley Reserve Forest in Jorhat district's Mariani area.
A bear named Boki, a European brown bear had groundbreaking brain surgery to treat seizures and vision problems caused by ...
Den checks help the state gather information on Michigan's black bear population, which totals around 12,000, mostly in the ...
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KKTV/Gray News) - A bear in Colorado is celebrating a milestone birthday. The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo said its Asiatic black bear Beezler turned 32 years old Monday.
LAHORE: The population of the Asiatic black bear is declining in Pakistan and its status on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature Red List is classified as ‘vulnerable’.
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KKTV/Gray News) - A bear in Colorado is celebrating a milestone birthday. The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo said its Asiatic black bear Beezler turned 32 years old Monday. Beezler, ...