Beneath the fantastical visuals and dry humor, at its core, Severance is about identity. It asks whether we are better or ...
But while the science the show depicts goes well beyond anything that’s currently possible, many brain specialists and ...
Tiny brain lesions in people with epilepsy may go undetected by conventional 3T MRI scanners, advanced 7 Tesla MRI provides ...
Amber Ford, from South Lanarkshire, described herself as "healthy" before she became unwell in 2018 when she woke up one ...
A new imaging technique is helping ultra-powerful MRI scanners detect tiny differences in the brains of patients with ...
Applying ultrasound to help break up thrombus during carotid endarterectomy reduces adverse neurological outcomes in the ...
A new technique has enabled ultra-powerful magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners to identify tiny differences in patients ...
Amber Ford, 31, from South Lanarkshire, described herself as “healthy” before she became unwell in 2018. She was first ...
AM I going to die today?” It’s a question Amber Ford asks herself daily. For the 31-year-old is living with multiple brain ...
A new technique has enabled ultra-powerful magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners to identify tiny differences in patients ...