Original mixed-media art for box lids of 1966 Aurora model kits for Captain America, and The Incredible Hulk (by Neal Adams). Note: Model kit boxe ...
Since the 1960s, people have been searching for the mythical creature known as Bigfoot. Most cryptozoologists would place him in the forested expanses of the Pacific Northwest of America, perhaps even ...
Chewbacca bellowing ] [ Mechanical whirring ... And he gives the mother the wampum belt to prove that he's serious about all this. So he goes away with the girl. She has acquiesced.
They’re the Robin to the burger’s Batman, the Chewbacca to its Han Solo ... Sure, you might need to loosen your belt a notch (or three), but it’s worth it. Because you haven’t just had a meal; you’ve ...
Poor Chewbacca never got his golden bravery medal for helping to destroy the Death Star during "Star Wars"' climactic Battle of Yavin, but you might be lucky enough to score Luke's if you’re the ...
Belts exist squarely at the intersection of function and style. Sure, they can keep a pair of too-large pants from sagging. But the right belt can also inject a dose of personality or whimsy into ...
The use of 'wet belts' was introduced by some manufacturers to reduce emissions and increase efficiency, but the longevity of these powertrains was overestimated. Citroen, Ford, Honda and Peugeot ...
The Rust Belt describes the region from New York through the Midwest that was once dominated by the coal industry, steel production, and manufacturing. What Is the Rust Belt? The Rust Belt is a ...
Orion's belt of three stars is visible even from city locations, as is Sirius, the "Dog Star" in Canis Major. Looking northward from Polaris and going towards the zenith, one will see Auriga ...