Dr. John Baratta, founder and medical director at UNC at Chapel Hill’s COVID Recovery Clinic, told Channel 9 the length of ...
Dr. John Hick saw Minnesota’s busiest emergency department fill with patients, many struggled to breathe. Five years later, ...
Five years ago, lockdown critics faced death threats and censorship. Now they are gaining influence amid new research on the ...
But five years after COVID-19 began its deadly surge across the world, they share concerns that the tumult in federal health ...
Vaccine skeptics have long-since leveraged the rapid roll out of mRNA vaccines to add fuel to heated arguments surrounding ...
Complacency worries public health officials, who fear that a mutation or another virus could be worse than COVID, which ...
Dr. Alex Wong became well-known during the COVID-19 pandemic, doing multiple interviews locally and nationally, but his work ...
The COVID-19 pandemic forced hospitals to rethink everything, including how they manage medical equipment-especially when ...
Former Palm Beach Town Council President Margaret Zeidman led the town's response during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Health officials in Laredo report a rise in flu and COVID-19 cases, urging residents to take preventative measures.
More cases of the highly contagious virus have been reported in the province since Feb. 27 than in the entire decade between ...
We’ve learned a lot about COVID-19 over the last five years, but big questions remain. Recent federal actions may hinder the disease’s management.