Tyler residents and visitors flocked to the Tyler Public Library’s biannual book sale, where they found thousands of ...
Need a little drama in your life? We've got you covered. From family sagas to romantic epics, these librarian-recommended ...
This St. Patrick’s Day, revisit literary classics by Irish authors like James Joyce and Roddy Doyle, plus discover a few new ...
When you’re a human, you’re writing for a purpose, and your relationships are involved. Like, What is my mom going to think of this story I wrote about a 45-year-old son who … I just don’t see AI as ...
There are few writers who have as devoted a following as celebrated novelist Jane Austen. But is she really the “first” great English female author?
Across [USU's] College of Humanities and Social Sciences, the faculty we have talked to have expressed feelings of intense betrayal — not just by the Legislature, but by our own university’s ...
Holly Riesco, a recent Ph.D. graduate; Megan Grizzle and Katie Hill, both doctoral students; and Chris Goering, a professor of English education, released a new book with lessons and activities for ...
Every couple of weeks on Wednesday mornings, before the school comes to life and buzzers direct students to their classrooms, the Book Berries meet in the High School library. The Book Berries is the ...
From award-winning authors to pop culture's biggest stars, this spring's line-up of LGBTQ+ books may require an extra shelf.
Maryland's Montgomery County Public Schools does not notify parents when kids as young as 3 are exposed to "Pride Puppy," "Intersection Allies" and other sexually themed books in the English Language ...
Mr. Naipaul answered. He had checked. He insisted: no record of me and our interview existed on his itinerary. As for his ...
Los Angeles-based author Kim Fay’s latest book, “Kate & Frida,” is partially set in Seattle, where she spent several years working at Elliott Bay Book Company.