In reporting my book on the modern New Age movement, I found myself linking arms with generations of women seeking answers.
Are you the master of your emotions? Feelings can get the best of you, especially when you use them to help you navigate life and understand what you need to do next. Today, your deeply empathetic ...
Who do you know needs to be in control all of the time? You can try to win a controlling person over via logic or empathy, but their fear of not having things their way can blind them from reason ...
What's your personality, Virgo? Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Today, pulling your energy inward is a wise decision. Spiritual things will become increasingly more attractive. You might ...
Turn your attention to the future and avoid getting caught up in what used to be or what might have been. Getting stuck in the past is very easy to do, and it starts with one memory, leading to ...
When people need to be rallied to do something as a team, you're their cheerleader. You're able to bring individuals from all walks of life together for a common good. It may be a difficult and ...
Who do you know needs to be in control all of the time? You can try to win a controlling person over via logic or empathy, but their fear of not having things their way can blind them from reason ...