Weight trajectories differed significantly among patients with HIV during the first year of ART, with no associations observed between weight gain and type of ART regimen.
To determine the titre of MLV and HIV vector stocks, we used serial dilution of concentrated virus to infect 5×10 5 HeLa cells in a 6-well plate in the presence of polybrene (8 μgsol;ml).
It was sent to 2,500 patients who had potentially been exposed to bloodborne viruses including HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C due to what the agency described as a failure to properly clean ...
Health Minister, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi will on Tuesday, 25 February lead the official launch of new HIV treatment campaign with the objective to close the gap by putting additional 1.1 million people ...
After a lifetime on the frontiers of the fight against HIV, Linda-Gail Bekker could finally see the end of the epidemic in sight. For decades, HIV experts had dreamed of an elusive vaccine to ...
(AP Photo/Brian Inganga) CORRECTS MONTH -Children play at the Nyumbani Children’s Home orphanage which is heavily reliant on foreign donations and cares for children with HIV whose parents died of the ...