Our list of the Best Hair Metal Album of Every Year From 1981 to 1991 proves that before it was relegated to the dustbin of ...
Our picks for the Heaviest Song by 11 Big Hair Metal Bands proves the subgenre packed a harder punch than its detractors were ...
What are the five most surprising lineup changes in the history of hair metal? The 1980s were the heyday of hair metal; a ...
At its worst, it was garish, contrived, lightweight fluff. READ MORE: The 10 Best Hair Metal Albums of the 1990s As the ’80s progressed and the L.A. hard rock scene became increasingly saturated ...
They’ve long taken influences from bands like KISS, Aerosmith, and Def Leppard, and they’re keeping the hair metal/glam-rock genres alive and well. Their new album features crisp, clean guitar ...