This is the challenge faced by hotels built within Latin America ’s vast desert landscapes. Defined by their extreme aridity and minimal rainfall, deserts are often seen as harsh and inhospitable.
Looking to change up your Bloody Mary game with unexpected ingredients? Any of these expert-approved additions are sure to do ...
From the rise of nocturnal travel to the meaning of “JOMO,” here are the trends our experts think you should know.
Practically anything can go into a casserole, which means each state's signature ingredients can take center stage, from ...
A good place to start is Bracco Bosca, 30 miles east of Montevideo along the vast Rio de la Plata estuary. Founded five ...
Gone are most days of ordering a drink for the sole purpose of chasing a quick buzz. While current events may have some of us ...
High-profile chef Takeshi Nishikawa, the former culinary director at Rose’s Restaurant Group, is shaking up the local dessert ...
If there's anything Americans love, it's convenient and handheld food — so naturally, we've created a wide variety of ...
While many artificial intelligence chatbots created by Silicon Valley tech companies, trained on American content, European tech companies are developing ...
Hankering for Italian food? There's no shortage of cheap, delicious pizza across America, but what about something that demands a little more finesse, like veal Parmigiana or ravioli heaped with red ...
Some of the world’s top copper mines have begun restarting processing plants amid Chile’s worst power cuts in decades, adding another layer of risk to mining in the South American nation.
Chile, which boasts a population of over 19 million people, practically came to a standstill with power cuts leading to internet shortages, stranded commuters and homes without water. Reports ...