Oh, I never could have made it... MARTIN: So it raised more than a few eyebrows when, a few weeks ago, he released an R&B album. (SOUNDBITE OF SONG, "LISTEN") SAPP: (Singing) Why would it make sense ...
In collaboration with the radio station, the show will be broadcast live on 91.3. The concert will showcase the bands a part of the second “stack” of albums produced by local independent record label ...
Her default harmonies are lower than most of her contemporaries, but she pushes the boundaries of her vocal range on the album, not bothering to mask her emotions on any of the 10 tracks.
After a well-deserved January break, the band is gearing up for their upcoming album release, “The Owl Harvest,” featuring 13 original tracks. The band is hosting a release party on April 11 ...