SAN FRANCISCO (KCBS RADIO) – Neither former President Donald Trump nor Vice President Kamala Harris will have the support of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters going into the ...
For three decades, The International Brotherhood of Teamsters has been a reliable partner among the various stakeholders that make up the Democratic party's coalition of allies. The Teamsters ...
A Union's Story chronicles the International Brotherhood of Teamsters from its formation in 1903 to its current status as one of the most diverse and powerful unions in the country. The story ...
The Teamsters pension fund returned $127 million in overpayments to the US Treasury this week — months after an internal investigation revealed the kitty had nearly 3,500 dead members.
The International Brotherhood of Teamsters is often seen as one of the most influential labor unions in the United States, and with good reason; With more than 1.3 million members, and a purview ...