Pennsylvania Democrats flip a state Senate seat in a heavily Republican district Tuesday. The Democrat senator-elect is ...
The Advocate highlights social inequality through original stories and opinions, and content generated by fellow NNPA and ...
Pennsylvania is challenging the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s cancellation of a $13 million contract that helps local ...
Pennsylvania State Police are asking the public for help in finding whoever shot and killed three cows and injured a horse in ...
Jeffrey Vasser has been appointed Discover Lancaster’s president and CEO, the marketing organization’s board of directors ...
Oftentimes a person’s accent is a dead (really living!) giveaway as to where they are from. Even though I grew up in the ...
Pennsylvania growers who tend flowers, Christmas trees, hemp, fruits and vegetables all work in different industries, but ...
Whitewater Unified School District Superintendent Caroline Pate-Hefty has resigned from her position, per a statement Friday ...
A fundraiser has been set up for multiple farmers whose animals were recently shot in an string of animal cruelty cases.
This week on the FarmHouse, we're talking about the shortage of large-animal veterinarians, how hardy cows are, and why ...
The auctioneer's voice almost sounds like a babbling brook—which would make sense in this pastoral Pennsylvania setting—if ...
Republican Josh Parsons, Democrat James Malone and Libertarian Zachary Moore are running for the seat vacated by Ryan Aument.