Texas crawfish production is faring better than last year’s dismal harvest, but the industry has not fully recovered.
Crawfish supply increases, prices drop in Louisiana. Live crawfish average $3.89 per pound, boiled crawfish $6.33 per pound.
According to The Crawfish App prices for live crawfish are around $3.99 per pound and boiled crawfish are around $6.45 per pound.Laney King, co-founder of the Crawfish App says due to the poor ...
County Line Fish Hut in Ridgeland talks about how they get the crawfish ready for you to eat.
Easter is coming up in about a month. It falls on April 20 of this year. The cheapest price we could find for boiled crawfish ...
The Louisiana Crawfish Festival returns to St. Bernard Parish to honor the Louisiana delicacy. This year, organizers will ...
NEW ORLEANS (WVUE) - The Louisiana Crawfish Festival is tightening enforcement of state seafood labeling laws after one vendor was caught selling imported Chinese crawfish Friday evening without ...
Don't miss the Midland Art Crawl, Emergency Preparedness Fair, and Crawfish Boil this weekend, featuring local art, live ...
If you've been waiting for a chance to dive into some crawfish, this is the place for you. Starting at 3 p.m., attendees at ...
From crawfish to the Art Car Parade, Houston’s spring festivals bring together food, live music and art celebrations across ...