The Trump administration has stated it wants Taiwan to spend 10 percent of its GDP and for Japan to spend 3 percent of its ...
Quantum Strategy's David Roche said "NATO is dead" as the US distances itself from European allies and warms up to Russia.
For decades, the world has relied on the USD as a powerful currency that guarantees security through international treaties.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump cast doubt on Thursday on his willingness to defend Washington's NATO ...
The new agreement promises to boost the UK- Japan's £27 billion a year trade relationship, with particular focus on defence ...
You think they're going to come and protect us? They're supposed to. I'm not so sure,' president says - Anadolu Ajansı ...
Mr Trump said he viewed Nato as “potentially good” if what he saw as the spending issue could be fixed. “They’re screwing us ...