Nobel Laureate and University of Chicago professor Jack Szostak delivered two lectures on the origin of life to an audience of professors, graduate, and undergraduate students the Monday and Tuesday ...
On Oct. 2024, biologists Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their discovery and description of microRNA, an RNA fragment.Shannon Horning/ ...
Those who care about the advancement of knowledge, and its applications for improving the human condition, are seeing their ...
"We still don't know exactly what makes labor start. We know all about the mechanics and physiology, but we don't know what ...
The Oregon Nobel Laureate Symposium returns to Linfield University’s McMinnville and Portland campuses April 10-11. The two-day program includes several events ...
In a ceremony held last month, the 2024 Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize was awarded to Wesley Sundquist, PhD, Leo T. and Barbara K ...
In 2006, Shinya Yamanaka made a groundbreaking discovery that would win him the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine just ...
Effective models could unlock some of what is still unknown in biology and help your doctor find the right treatment.
US researchers Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun were awarded the 2024 Medicine Nobel Prize for their findings in post-transcriptional gene regulation (microRNA) which have proven “to be of ...
The Price Is Right staff adopted Barker’s philosophy by banning all meat products as prizes as well as only using fake veggie props on grills for the showroom floor. Following Barker’s ...
Come on down! The Price Is Right celebrated its milestone 10,000th episode with a huge cake and prizes that will make you wish you tried out for the game show. The special anniversary episode will ...
“I know exactly what Trump is aiming for. He would like to be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize,” O’Reilly said on NewsNation’s “On Balance.” “That may or may not happen,” he added.