Perennial flowers and plants return for many years, giving you the most bang for your buck. See our favorite spring, summer, fall, and winter perennial bloomers ...
Cottage garden style is all about layering flowers, a tenet that Fish happily applied to her garden. The pathway leading up to it is lined with lady’s mantle, purple columbine, lavender, and ‘Sarah ...
As you study photographs of decorative posts, note how the geometry of the cuts is often created using simple 45 or 30-degree angles. Common circular saws can be set to create these angles. If you ...
A spokesman explained: "With the weather now getting better, if you have an open plan garden, ornaments, hanging baskets and ...
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Landscape designers Randy Angell and Melissa Gerstle showcase projects that show that when it comes to outdoor style, the ...
“Do you think you can recreate this for me along our west property line? This decorative fence will provide an excellent ...
As she showed ornamental bird boxes she asked us to stuff the holes ... An auction was in place and speakers continued in the afternoon. It was a full day. Our garden club centerpiece gifts included a ...
Hedges are a classic garden feature. They’re a beautiful way to mark a boundary that avoids the blandness of garden fences. These living walls can dampen noise pollution, soak up groundwater, provide ...
If you're looking for a natural way to create privacy in your garden, look no further than landscape design experts Bestall & Co, who may have just the solution. To prevent those nosy neighbours ...
You can use the Derynome Solar Lantern Outdoor Lights as decorative items to decorate your outdoor space because of their beauty. To answer this question, you need to consider mounting types.