A Santa Sé lembrou do "momento marcante que comoveu o mundo" no dia da eleição quando, após ter sido anunciado para o mundo ...
Hoodia Gordonii: Apesar de o nome não ser tão popular, esta planta é utilizada desde antigamente. Seu princípio ativo consegue atuar sobre a fome, além de trabalhar a área do cérebro da ...
"Jeopardy!" contestant Harvey Silikovitz, shares how in 2019 he missed the call from producers to be on the show. Five months later he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Now, Silikovitz is ...
The risk of developing Parkinson's disease is twice as high in men as in women, and new research points to a potential reason why: a normally benign protein in the brain. PTEN-induced kinase 1 (PINK1) ...
Marco Paulo gastava 89 mil euros em cada injeção nos tratamentos contra o cancro? A revelação foi feita por Sónia Costa, que era amiga do cantor, mas já foi desmentida. Leia ainda: Marco Paulo: Afinal ...
The face's expressions can change with Parkinson's disease, and facial masking (also called masked facies, or hypomimia) occurs in roughly half to 70% of all people diagnosed with the ...
O Ministério da Saúde do Brasil está lançando uma iniciativa inovadora para promover o uso de plantas medicinais e fitoterápicos em várias regiões do país. Este projeto visa beneficiar 1. ...
Researchers have discovered that PINK1-specific T cells may contribute to Parkinson’s disease, providing insights into its autoimmune nature, sex-based differences, and potential diagnostic and ...
Summary: The FDA has approved adaptive deep brain stimulation (aDBS), a breakthrough therapy that adjusts in real time to Parkinson’s disease symptoms. Unlike traditional DBS, which delivers constant ...
The new research reveals how a protein in brain cells may drive Parkinson's onset -- and offers a possible explanation for why Parkinson's is much more common in men. Scientists at La Jolla ...
There is still no cure for Parkinson’s disease, but the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a new deep brain stimulator that could benefit patients with the motor condition.