An analysis of flight data shows how the Trump administration is using extraordinary means to deport people. By Albert Sun and Ashley Wu It’s not unusual for presidents to want to hear some ...
A pair of astronauts could get their overtime paid for by President Donald Trump after returning to Earth following a months-long mission. President Donald Trump told the Digital Assets Summit in ...
The editors are joined by VF legal affairs contributor Cristian Farias to divine why the Supreme Court justice has bucked the MAGA-verse in recent rulings—and unpack the right’s long-standing ...
Governo Trump revoga status legal de 530 mil imigrantes nos EUA Análise: Trump quer que a guerra acabe, mas Putin quer muito mais Ataque aéreo israelense em Gaza mata líder político do Hamas Papa ...
Trump suggested on Truth Social that people charged with attacking Tesla could serve time in “lovely” prisons in El Salvador.
Ligue o forno nos 200 ºC. Escorra bem o grão-de-bico e seque-o com um pouco de papel absorvente. Numa taça, misture o azeite com as especiarias, as ervas aromáticas e o piripíri. Adicione o ...
O prefeito convocou a população para ajudar a limpar a cidade no aniversário de Cuiabá. O que você acha disso?