The TDP supremo underscored that the corpus fund of Sri Venkateswara Annaprasadam Trust has reached Rs 2,200 crore through ...
SB 10 would require the Ten Commandments to be posted in all classrooms. SB 11 would require school boards to vote on allowing designated prayer time.
Us-versus-them thinking. High-control habits. An obsession with punishment. Some aspects of the MAGA movement are a lot older ...
We, the undersigned human rights organizations, note with alarm the number of arrests and incidents of harassment and violence against individuals and human rights defenders exercising their right to ...
Discover how religious and secular perspectives can work together to create a society where human rights are upheld and ...
In nearly every major American city and in many small towns, Christian Science reading rooms are found mixed in with storefronts. Passersby may hardly notice them, but to those who stop to wonder what ...
The Honorable Emilce Cuda, secretary of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America, delivered a lecture emphasizing ...
The vote comes amid a broader push by conservative Christians to infuse more religion into public schools and life.
They reject climate science but accept medical science, according to the National Survey of Religious Leaders published this ...
The finale lies ahead. What weird theories can we play with until then.
Senate Bill 10 passed the Republican-led upper house late Wednesday on a party-line vote. Democrats condemned the measure as ...
The Dateline episode titled "Twisted Fate" explores how a respected youth pastor Nick Hacheney used religion as a tool to control and exploit women. Yes, you read it right.