Andre Rives was boar-hunting in 2021 when a female bear nicknamed Caramelles attacked him. "She was eating my leg," he said. ...
Andre Rives was boar-hunting in 2021 when a female bear nicknamed Caramelles attacked him. "She was eating my leg," he said. ...
At the end of November 2023 in London, I heard the question—"Why is Ukraine not searching for peace?”—asked by a taxi driver ...
The shooting death of a Daytona Beach police officer is the driving force behind a new bill, the “Officer Jason Raynor Act," ...
Michael Anestis, executive director of the New Jersey Gun Violence Research Center, said that most firearm use is for target ...
If convicted, he faces a minimum mandatory sentence of 25 years or up to life in prison for the murder charge.
"We are unbelievably happy with the verdict on the attempted murder charge," said Mark Sisti, Jason Levesque's lawyer.
Fighting for a more equitable America has always been part of faith-based organizations' role, including nonviolent direct ...
In a 7-4 decision authored by senior circuit Judge Susan Graber, the majority wrote that “a large-capacity magazine has ...