The big seasonal sales event kicks off officially on March 25, but before then, we've scouted massive discounts on ...
Sonos cancels its Pinewood streaming box to focus on audio. The decision shifts priorities amid tough competition and ...
Trump Media launches Truth+ streaming app on Roku, offering family-friendly content as an alternative to biased news and ...
The business of streaming is revolving more and more around how many ads users are willing to sit through for the sake of ...
The real issue here is that Apple isn’t in the advertising business. It’s not even in an “ad-adjacent” business. Apple ...
Users in the test group are unimpressed by the video ads, which play automatically. Customers say they will be eager to toss ...
It’s hard to find a reliable streaming device that costs this little, but the Roku Express HD is the ace in the hole every ...
Roku has confirmed user reports that it is testing auto-playing video ads before loading the home screen. Owners of ...
Roku confirmed the auto-playing ads are a thing, and said they are an official test. However, the company stopped short of ...
Roku has annoyed some of its streamers by introducing power-on ads that automatically play when a customer first starts using ...
Over the weekend, a number of Roku device owners noticed an irksome new advertising method from the company: a trailer for ...
Roku Inc. is testing a new advertising strategy that is drawing ire from its customer base: autoplaying video ads that launch ...