"It is always a concern, when you live in an area that it is so open, that you could have a fire erupt at any point," said Corinne Beshara.
A car crash was reported Tuesday morning in the Florin area of Sacramento County, California Highway Patrol logs show. CHP was dispatched around 7:06 a.m. to Florin Road and Palmer House Drive. Sign ...
The new fire hazard severity zone maps issued by Cal Fire this week are part of a two-month statewide rollout.
The next phase of updated California Fire Hazard ... high category.What the new maps show in Sacramento CountyIn 2011, 367 acres in unincorporated Sacramento County were listed as very high.
Sacramento was home to over 7,000 Japanese Americans who were sent to interment camps during the war. Only 59% would return to Sacramento County to ... Wilson Sacramento, California, the state ...
California lawmakers mandated the maps ... Cal Fire has issued a fire hazard severity zone map for Sacramento County, rating nearly 78,000 acres under some threat from wildfires.