According to the National Weather Service, a lack of rain over the last couple of years has led to extreme drought. Dry ...
The state House and Senate have similar proposals to solve the state's water crisis, but there are stark differences on how ...
This year marks Texas' first spring turkey hunting season that will require hunters statewide to report their harvests within ...
With powerful wind gusts and drought conditions combined, this fire season could be incredibly dangerous for multiple reasons ...
Wildfire risk increases across Texas today and tomorrow as a dry, windy storm system impacts the state. After gusty winds and ...
Texas mountain laurel and redbud offer vibrant blooms and drought tolerance, making them perfect for San Antonio landscapes, plus more small trees to consider.
Water is complex. So are the terms used to describe it. Get to know the language as Texas debates how to save its water ...
Midland County's drought remains stable, but Texas sees worsening drought conditions, with 8.65% in extreme drought.
Texas towns and cities will face a water shortage by 2030 if a historic drought hits the state. Already, the water supply faces outdated infrastructure, climate change and increased demand from a ...
The Texas Water Development Board posted a map of drought conditions per region statewide, noting that 54 % of the state is under drought conditions. Drought conditions have intensified through the ...
The state’s water supply faces numerous threats. And by one estimate, the state’s municipal supply will not meet demand by ...