Kei Sato was looking for his next big challenge five years ago when it smacked him — and the world — in the face. The ...
Nobody complains that we have more cancer medicines available today than in the 1980s. Why should we complain about having ...
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s failure to install a fellow vaccine critic to a key government post is testing the limits of how far ...
Experts warn unvaccinated people in Houston, including babies, to avoid crowds. Get vaccinated now, urges county commissioner ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration is canceling studies about ways to improve vaccine trust and access, a move that ...
The antibodies attach to a part of the virus that doesn't appear to mutate, potentially allowing them to work on multiple ...
Nearly 20 million chickens, ducks and turkeys on farms in the San Joaquin Valley have been “depopulated” – a polite term for ...
A small U.S. study explored whether immune markers seen in many long COVID sufferers are also present in people with ...
In an early clinical trial, an experimental norovirus vaccine given as a pill produced defensive responses exactly where it counts—in the saliva of older people most vulnerable to the explosive ...
A Stanford-led team has found two antibodies that can work together to defeat all SARS-CoV-2 variants. More research is needed, but the approach could help in the development of treatments to keep ...
A team has found two antibodies that can work together to neutralize the virus that causes COVID-19 in all its current known variations in a laboratory environment. More research is needed, but the ...
In a phase 1 trial, patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma who were treated with surgery and bespoke neoantigen mRNA vaccines combined with anti-PD-L1 and chemotherapy exhibited marked ...