After recovering from Oropouche infection, symptoms recur in about 60% of patients within a few days up to several weeks.
Between mountain lions, rattlesnakes and bears, there are plenty of animals in Idaho that you may be legitimately afraid of.
The two most important measles complications to know about are pneumonia, affecting the lungs, and brain swelling known as ...
The U.S. Forest Service office for the Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests and Pawnee National Grassland is located at ...
The South Carolina Department of Public Health (SCDPH) is asking residents to help track West Nile virus this Spring, Summer, ...
The deadly West Nile virus which has already made its way to Europe is posing a ‘growing threat’ as birds begin to drop dead.
Nueces County Public Health District identified a positive human case of West Nile virus within city limits. Vector Control ...
Corpus Christi confirms a probable West Nile virus case, prompting targeted spraying to control mosquitoes.
John Roehrig died March 8 after a battle with ALS. During his career, he was on the front lines of the U.S. response to West Nile virus.
Big changes are coming to the city of Des Moines' mosquito control program to help address a $17 million deficit in the ...
Viral infections are the most common cause of meningitis, followed by bacterial infections and, rarely, fungal and parasitic infections.
A viral disease spread by mosquitos was found in Lackawanna County in December. According to the Pennsylvania Department of ...