Talent showcase includes high school teams from Bayshore, Braden River, Lakewood Ranch, Manatee, Manatee School for the Arts, Parrish and Southeast.
The Elmira College Dance Marathon held its annual fundraiser on Saturday, March 22nd to support the Children's Miracle ...
The Elmira YWCA hosted the Ties and Tiaras Father-Daughter Dance on Saturday night. The event saw approximately 55 ...
EL PASO, Texas (KFOX14/CBS4) — A fitness class at the YMCA is taking a unique approach to raising awareness for Down syndrome. The class, which features Zumba, aims to bring attention to the condition ...
Children of Dharma’s” three sections are divided by location: the forest, the court and the battlefield, demarcated by ...
As the Village People song says, there’s no need to feel down, because young men — and women — will have a chance to get free ...
Now a teenager, Tyson is going on eight years of training in ballet dance; he’s also explored lyrical, hip-hop and jazz dance ...
The synchronized movement of professional dancers is reminiscent of the unity of the local community as the Carole Cascio ...
Paid Business Feature* Aahhh summer — a time when the sun shines bright, the days are long, and the kids are always underfoot ...
Summer is just around the corner, and being a part of a summer camp is more than just a breakfrom school—it’s an opportunity ...