Since the conflict in Mali erupted, violence has spread to neighbours in the Sahel region and reached the north of coastal ...
Russia reports that 250 Ukrainian soldiers infiltrated into Syria and helping the locals to attack Russian targets.
Alexander Stepanov noted that after the completion of the special military operation more hotbeds of destabilization would emerge around the world, "which will include ex-representatives of paramilita ...
A group of 250 Ukrainian military instructors has reportedly arrived in Syria’s Idlib province to train militants from Hayat ...
The war, the jihadist push and the lack of reconstruction have taken their toll on the country's plural identity, despite its ...
But as soon as the first Islamists arrived, first with the Free Syrian Army, then with the Al-Nusra Front, and finally Daesh, almost all the Christians fled, either to the south of the country or ...
The top Russian diplomat drew attention to the fact that the Ukrainian intelligence had involved radical Islamists in preparing and carrying out the bloody massacre at Crocus City Hall concert venue ...
The anniversary of Sotloff’s death should serve as a reminder to those who risk their lives in pursuit of truth, justice, and ...
Police shoot dead Austrian, 18, who used rifle with a bayonet attached in 'assumed terror attack' on consulate; local reports suggest he was known to authorities as an Islamist ...
Iran's Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations has once again rejected as “baseless and misleading” the ...