While paramedics might be best known for rushing in and saving people’s lives, sometimes their patients are four-legged.
The owner of Havoc the French bulldog employed an army of volunteers to search for her missing dog. The pooch was found two ...
Mark E. Potts is the senior editor for video at the Los Angeles Times. A native of Enid, Okla., Potts graduated from the University of Oklahoma with a master’s degree in broadcast journalism. He has ...
Dog owner Yasmine Haezeart calls it her worst nightmare. Her little French bulldog, named Havoc, was snatched after wandering ...
A young French bulldog found on the streets of Palm Beach County faces many challenges, but she is not letting them get in ...
China is practicing “dogfighting” satellites as part of its expanding capabilities in space, according to the United States Space Force, which warned that Washington’s key rivals ...
A beloved French bulldog is back with his owner after two years apart. Four-year-old Havoc was stolen by a driver passing ...
The U.S. still has a major case of French bulldog fever. But a very different breed is chasing dog lovers’ hearts. The ...
The American Kennel Club shared its most popular dog breeds of 2024, with the French bulldog coming in at the top of the pack ...
Yasmine Haezeart lost her French bulldog Havoc in January 2023. In her quest to find him, Haezeart became an advocate to help ...
Yasmin Haezeart lost her French bulldog Havoc more than two years ago after she said she believes he was stolen. Now, nearly ...