Demystify the spend down process by understanding the intricacies of asset reduction to qualify for Medicaid coverage.
A "mess" caused by a contract problem in Arizona's Medicaid agency means thousands of enrollees get another year to navigate ...
Before Kansas officials revealed they had ousted Aetna Better Health as one of the providers for the state’s $4 billion ...
Arkansas is the only state that has not taken the step to expand what’s called postpartum Medicaid coverage, an option for ...
Drugmaker Eli Lilly on Wednesday urged a federal appeals court to overturn a $183 million judgment against it in a case ...
Whistleblowers say alleged fraud included claims for services supposedly provided months ― sometimes even years ― after ...
Twice-a-year-PReP will only fulfill its potential if Medicaid takes decisive action to ensure it is accessible to the ...
Major Indiana managed care organizations and health systems are blamed for defrauding the state Medicaid system by tens, if ...
An Eastern Kentucky provider of addiction services has filed a lawsuit challenging cuts in Medicaid payments that it says ...
More than 25 million people lost their Medicaid coverage during the unwinding process conducted by all states after the ...
Whistleblowers say alleged fraud included claims for services supposedly provided months ― sometimes even years ― after ...
Colorado lawmakers will have to cut an estimated $900 million in spending or dip into the state’s reserves to balance next ...