It’s a good day to be a marine biologist: a bundle of new species has been found living among the deep-sea methane seeps off Costa Rica’s Pacific coast. Scientists led by UC San Diego’s ...
Scientists have discovered an active methane seep from Antarctica's sea bed that could shed light on the potent greenhouse gas trapped beneath frozen continent. Marine ecologist Andrew Thurber ...
This new species of annelid worm was found in deep sea sediments near methane seeps off the Pacific coast of central America. Anguillosyllis have an interesting evolutionary placement within Syllidae ...
(Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag, 2002) 457-477. Hu, L. et al. Methane fluxes to the atmosphere from deepwater hydrocarbon seeps in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Geophysical Research in ...
Cold seeps, the sites on the ocean floor where the bubbles of the methane gas rise up, are a home for a varied communities of bacteria, bivalves and other associated life forms. Disclaimer ...
The Point Dume methane seep off the coast of Southern California, where methane-oxidizing microbes inhabit chimney-like structures. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the ...
The facility will provide support for the study of the development of cold seeps ecosystems, chemotrophic biological succession, methane phase evolution, and their environmental effects.
The Research Facility of Cold-seep Ecosystems, led by the South China Sea Institute of Oceanology under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, is scheduled for completion within five years.
"Cold seeps hold keys to understanding Earth's carbon cycle, life in extreme environments and the safe extraction of resources such as methane hydrates," said Li Chaolun, director of the South ...