The state of Mississippi is trying to fight the abuse of children online through House Bill 1126, which requires social media ...
The Supreme Court moved into the online era this term by deciding two cases that will have implications for free speech on ...
The Supreme Court sidestepped major questions involving the internet in its last term, even as it weighed issues with the ...
And it’s why the court’s center bloc joined Justice Elena Kagan’s opinion in the NetChoice case, treating social media platforms as possessing free speech rights. It’s why they joined Barrett’s ...
All Gaul is divided into three parts,” Julius Caesar famously wrote. The same is now clearly true of the Supreme Court. And ...
Does this ruling inform the NetChoice cases? Or is it distinguishable because it relates to a public accommodation statute specifically? “Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing ...
Last week’s Supreme Court decision in the NetChoice cases was overshadowed by a ruling on presidential immunity in Trump v.
The ability of social media sites to prioritize or delete content has resulted in movements to limit the moderating power of ...
The Supreme Court declined to decide whether Texas and Florida laws regulating social media moderation policies ...
In a blockbuster decision, the Supreme Court has held for the first time that social media platforms, just like newspapers, have First Amendment rights that bar the government from forcing them to ...
On July 1, the Supreme Court issued one of its most significant decisions regarding First Amendment rights on the internet in the NetChoice cases. At issue were a pair of facial First Amendment ...
The suit challenging the law was filed by NetChoice, whose members include Google, which owns YouTube; Snap Inc., the parent ...