Directed by Shashi Ranjan, the Netflix docu-series ‘The Roshans’ will explore the legacy of Roshan Lal, Rajesh Roshan, Rakesh Roshan and Hrithik Roshan.
Explore The Roshans documentary, highlighting the remarkable journey of Hrithik Roshans family in Bollywood. Release date: ...
Hrithik Roshan reveals what he would tell his grandfather Roshan; also hints that his son is an aspiring musician Bollywood ...
Spider-Man actor Tom Holland has signed on to star in and produce the big screen adaptation of The Partner , based on author ...
New Delhi, Don't rest on the laurels of season one and start from scratch. That is what the team of "Paatal Lok" told each other as they embarked on the second season of the show centred on a ...
This Netflix movie will leave you pretty emotional, but that's only because it's so good. Here's why you should watch it this ...