A popular crypto trader and analyst thinks one Ethereum (ETH) rival is gearing up for a strong finish in 2024.
The government of Germany is continuing its Bitcoin (BTC) sell-off, bringing its total number of tokens down below 4,000.
Banks are reportedly collapsing at an unprecedented rate in China due to a major downturn in the country's property market, ...
A closely followed crypto analyst says one Bitcoin (BTC) metric that previously predicted a bullish reversal is once again ...
A key indicator that predated a 400% altcoin rally is once again flashing bullish, according to the co-founders of market ...
Former president Donald Trump is slated to attend a major Bitcoin (BTC) event as he continues to attempt to woo voters from ...
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is dropping its investigation into the firm behind the popular Bitcoin (BTC ...
The chief executive of the financial giant VanEck is remaining bullish on Bitcoin (BTC) and says its recent correction into ...
A widely followed crypto analyst believes that Bitcoin (BTC) could continue to outperform Ethereum (ETH) even if a spot ETH ...
The bullish prospects for Bitcoin (BTC) could rise if the flagship crypto asset manages to climb back above a key resistance ...
Crypto exchange platform BitMEX is pleading guilty to violations of the Bank Secrecy Act, according to the Department of ...
Hougan, the chief investment officer (CIO) of Bitwise Asset Management, says in a new interview with CNBC that the Bitcoin ...