Jillian Kay Melchior is a Thomas L. Rhodes Fellow at the Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity. The environmental Left exaggerates small or contained oil spills, out of either ...
Christian Schneider is a National Review contributor and writes the Anti-Knowledge newsletter. He is a co-host of the podcast Wasn't That Special: 50 Years of SNL. Even though drug companies make ...
Rebecca Burgess is a senior fellow at the Yorktown Institute, a senior editor at American Purpose, and a visiting fellow at Independent Women’s Forum. More funding does not always mean better ...
He and his collaborators are hostile actors who seek to damage the United States. It’s not a big ask to demand that journalists observe the laws meant to keep America’s men and women in ...
. . . “We’ll all be fine in 2009.” Happy New Year, people. Over at Deutsche-Welle’s Across the Pond, a contributor concludes I’m (surprise!) “off the mark” for noting that Obama is ...
Daren Bakst is Deputy Director of the Competitive Enterprise Institute's Center for Energy and Environment and a Senior Fellow. At long last, property owners have some clarity on what waters are ...
The extent of Chinese government infiltration of our governing system is appalling.
General (ret.) H. R. McMaster, the Fouad and Michelle Ajami Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, returns to Uncommon Knowledge to discuss his latest book, At War with Ourselves, in which he ...
Pakistani Man Charged with Plotting Terrorist Attack on Jewish Center around October 7 Attack Anniversary Newsom Vetoes Bill Designed to Give $150,000 Home Loans to Illegal Immigrants, Citing Funding ...
After lots of hemming and hawing, Democrats finally got their huge boost in IRS funding in the so-called Inflation Reduction Act in August 2022. This $80 billion boost over ten years was supposed to ...
Here are my picks for Week 2. Let’s see if things improve.
King-Slutzky is teaching ‘Contemporary Western Civilization,’ which all undergraduates are required to take in order to receive a diploma.