President Donald Trump launched a tariff fight with major U.S. trading partners today by implementing 25% blanket tariffs on ...
Agricultural trade liberalisation has the potential to contribute to overall improvements in environmental performance. Further reductions of barriers to agricultural trade (a scenario assuming an ...
This publication examines the most common situations noncorporate taxpayers face when calculating Federal income tax on their timber holdings.
The complete manual for forest owner cooperation. (This file is large and may take a while to download!) ...
This letter provides an explanatation and history of the precautionary principle of environmental law.
In its decision IV/9, paragraph l (b), the Conference of the Parties requested the Ad Hoc Open-ended Inter-Sessional Working Group to provide it with advice relating to the implementation of Article 8 ...
USDA School Lunch Program: New Approaches to Meeting the Demands of Child Health and Nutrition in the 21st Century.
There is a need for coordinated effort by all engaged in medical plant use to generate new policies, mechanisms and resource flows to preserve the biodiversity used in caring for the health of the ...
Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister, Lyle Vanclief, announced recently the Government of Canada will provide $200,000 in funding to help ensure Canada remains the biggest exporter of peas and lentils ...
Andrew Jackson and Chris Inglehearn, Molecular Medicine Unit, University of Leeds, St James's University Hospital, Leeds LS9 7TF, UK, write that Monsanto's decision to abandon 'terminator' technology ...
Sample nutrition lesson plan for children - part of 4 piece "Go, Glow and Grow" series ...