California Congressman Ted Lieu endorsed Israel’s defense against Hamas, labeling it a “terrorist organization” and stressing continued US support for Israel.
An All-Terain Vehicle (ATV) sped towards the IDF soldiers at the Egyptian border on Monday night. The soldiers opened fire and the ATV fled the scene.
Each of those who were imprisoned after cooperating with Israeli security is entitled to receive a sum of about one million shekels for the severe abuse he suffered by the Palestinian Authority.
Former Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein was rushed on Monday from a New York City jail to a hospital for em ...
A political obstacle has been added to the difficulties in passing the 2025 budget. An official involved in th ...
Police say if IDF had shared intel soon enough, Nova partiers might have been saved • IDF reportedly investigates forged ...
The Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency), the IDF, and the Israel Police arrested a group of Palestinians from th ...
President Joe Biden's national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, spoke with Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed ...
“You built the tunnel where my son was murdered during your tenure,” Elchanan told Netanyahu in a conversation aired on Kan ...
The IDF late Monday night announced it had detained a UN team from a caravan of humanitarian vehicles, includi ...
The United States cannot confirm reports that Iran had supplied Russia with ballistic missiles, White House na ...
The United States understands Israel is looking into the circumstances of how a Turkish-American citizen was k ...