Shark Saturdays: Can’t make it for one of our weekday campus tours? No problem! Join us for Shark Saturdays! You’ll have the opportunity to hear about Long Island University during a brief information ...
The Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) is a professional entry-level degree program for students seeking a career as a physical therapist. The DPT program has been designed to prepare highly competent ...
A poster presentation often discusses research or an academic project using a poster that can be read and viewed by a large audience. The individual presenter(s) will use their posters to illustrate ...
In the wake of numerous troubling or tragic events, the need for counselors, student affairs professionals, school administrators, public officials, human resource professionals, first responders, and ...
The Division of Student Affairs disseminates a Student Handbook at the beginning of each academic year. The Student Handbook is a student’s guide to navigating Long Island University and includes ...
Welcome to Long Island University, a multi-campus, diverse, doctoral institution of higher learning. In its ninth decade of providing access to the American dream through excellence in higher ...
At Long Island University, we are proud to honor the dedication, passion, and excellence of our faculty through the Faculty Teaching and Research Excellence Awards. These awards recognize ...
The Department of Educational Leadership, Educational Technology, and Interdisciplinary Ed. D. is composed of the following fully accredited graduate programs: all Educational Administration programs, ...
The Long Island University Interprofessional Simulation Center (LIU ISC) is a state-of-the-art patient simulation center committed to advancing healthcare education, clinical competence, and patient ...