The extent of Chinese government infiltration of our governing system is appalling.
General (ret.) H. R. McMaster, the Fouad and Michelle Ajami Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, returns to Uncommon Knowledge to discuss his latest book, At War with Ourselves, in which he ...
Pakistani Man Charged with Plotting Terrorist Attack on Jewish Center around October 7 Attack Anniversary Newsom Vetoes Bill Designed to Give $150,000 Home Loans to Illegal Immigrants, Citing Funding ...
After lots of hemming and hawing, Democrats finally got their huge boost in IRS funding in the so-called Inflation Reduction Act in August 2022. This $80 billion boost over ten years was supposed to ...
Here are my picks for Week 2. Let’s see if things improve.
The Nanny State Is Not the Answer to Parents’ Challenges The ‘Emergency’ Emergency For Republican Candidates, Media Hit Jobs Are a Fact of Life Venezuela’s Government Has Taken Its People Hostage ...
King-Slutzky is teaching ‘Contemporary Western Civilization,’ which all undergraduates are required to take in order to receive a diploma.
A multinational automaker prepared to lay off more than 2,000 American workers in August after benefiting handsomely from the Biden administration's subsidies for electric-vehicle production.
The Trump Campaign Should Be Thankful Harris Didn’t Pick Shapiro Hurt Pennsylvania’s Workers to Win Pennsylvania’s Votes? Team Biden’s Insatiable Appetite for Embarrassment The Scott Gerber Case — Is ...
Republican voters are not in a good place if Tucker Carlson is their guide.
The Left’s Lies about the Fifth Circuit’s Reversal Rate Originalism Is Doing Just Fine, Thank You Montana Supreme Court Rejects Parental Consent on Abortion A Fly in Originalism’s Ointment This Day in ...
Galles notes that when the Democrats talk about “freedom,” it almost always means that property or liberty will be taken away from other people so that some can enjoy that alleged expansion of their ...