Our final quarterly print edition surveys innovations and transformations in left media past, present and future – providing ...
We have a really clear vision for a more democratic and fairer country and we are already a democratic party and we are welcoming lots of people from the left. The old parties are failing to deal with ...
Red Pepper is published by Socialist Newspaper (Publications) Ltd (Reg. No. 02644973, VAT No. 577 5026 20) and printed by Zenith Print & Packaging Ltd.
Mazen Gharibah reports on the aftermath of the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad and how grassroots, civilian-led peacebuilding efforts are crucial to Syria’s future ...
Georgia’s secretive ruler lives in a glass palace that would make a Bond villain blush. Perched above the capital city of Tbilisi, reclusive billionaire Bidzina Ivanishvili’s residence reportedly even ...
Can’t wait? Subscribe today to get the latest issue delivered straight to your door – and the next one hot off the press! Jonas Marvin is author of Disorganised Abandonment (provisional title, Verso ...
Early 20th-century Puck magazine cartoons condemn the ‘yellow press’ – newspapers funded by the rich and focused on sensationalism – as contemporary Dreadnought editions grabbed new readers’ attention ...
Local activists, disillusioned with the status quo, are forming political organisations independent of the Labour Party. Naomi Widressidrissi spoke to groups building connections locally and ...
In the ever-shifting landscape and viability of print media, left-wing publications can take many forms and directions. Paula Lacey spotlights a selection of trajectories taken in the UK and beyond ...
Can’t wait? Subscribe today to get the latest issue delivered straight to your door – and the next one hot off the press!
In 1994, it was possible – though challenging – to launch a monthly print magazine. Market-led politics were already eroding the welfare state but it still offered sufficient security for people to ...