The solicitation for SFY 2024-2025 FIF Abridged Applications has passed. Any SFY 2024-2025 FIF Abridged Application received moving forward will now be added to the bottom of the project ...
Located in West Texas, the Region F Regional Water Planning Area is located in the Edwards Plateau. Reeves County forms the western boundary and Brown County the eastern boundary of the 32-county ...
Groundwater, along with surface water, is important for maintaining the viability of the state's natural resources, health, and economic development. The projected doubling of the state's population ...
The North East Texas Regional Water Planning Area encompasses all or parts of 19 counties. Largely rural and characterized by numerous,small communities and some medium-sized municipalities, the ...
Lake Fork Reservoir is located about five miles northwest of Quitman in Wood County on Lake Fork Creek and Caney Creek, tributaries of the Sabine River. Though most of the reservoir is in northwestern ...
Do I need to register my water well, and if so, how do I do that? Private water well owners in Texas do not need to register their well unless the property falls within the jurisdiction of a ...
Click here for a printable version of these procedures. Before you begin you will need at a minimum the following information: When the well was drilled, or at least an approximate date or year Name ...
Before you can start entering a well or plugging report you must associate to the driller who drilled or plugged the well. Click Drillers List on the left menu. To add a driller to the list, click the ...
This interactive data dashboard displays historical water use survey and estimate data. The Texas Water Development Board Water Use Survey program conducts an annual survey of about 4,650 public water ...
Texas has numerous aquifers capable of producing groundwater for households, municipalities, industry, farms, and ranches. The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) recognizes 9 major aquifers − ...
The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) Groundwater Database (GWDB) contains information on selected water wells, springs, oil/gas tests (that were originally intended to be or were converted to ...