Women want to help you and take care of you, not to excess, but enough to feel that they have a positive impact on you (see ...
Unfortunately, the types of women who make very bad daughters don't tend to be accountable for their words or actions. They ...
After a father took off work for a week, he insisted that his wife, who is a stay-at-home mom, sit back and relax while he ...
Two zodiac signs must prepare for magical abundance and renewed luck on October 24. The daily horoscopes reveal a perfect day ...
Dairy contains a growth hormone called IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor) and unfortunately, high intake of that hormone does ...
Recently, I attended my father’s funeral and wore a black dress. I felt uncomfortably hot in my black funeral dress and ...
We all have our own unique strengths and weaknesses we hide from the world, and sometimes, even from ourselves.
Most commenters came to the consensus that age is what you make it. Some people give up on certain activities because they ...
He expressed his disbelief and joy that these high school students went above and beyond to show their gratitude for ...
The more I write about intimacy issues within marriage, the more male listeners, readers and clients ask me questions. Before ...
While some moms and daughters butt heads more often than they get along, others consider themselves each other's best friends ...
A strong emotional connection is the hallmark of a good marriage, but physical affection and intimacy are also incredibly ...