Participant Pool Management for Universities · Sona Systems
Manage your participant pool with Sona Systems comprehensive research platform for universities. Universities using Sona Systems typically see participation rates increase by 25–50% and no-show rates drop to below 5%. Use Sona Systems for research in a lab setting, online studies, or a mix of both.
Logging In - Sona Systems
Before logging into your Sona account, you should already have an account created and login information (i.e., your User ID and Password). Often, you can create an account, or request an account, simply by visiting your institution's Sona site and clicking on the appropriate button:
Sona Systems - TAMU Psychology Sign-Up System
Enter your student ID & select your course. BE SURE TO COMPLETE YOUR RESEARCH CREDITS BEFORE THE SUBJECT POOL CLOSES. Forgot Password?
SONA Systems - Texas Christian University
SONA is TCU’s web-based system for scheduling research sessions. The first time you log in, you will be directed to complete a short study qualifier. The information gathered from this survey will be kept strictly confidential and will be used to determine if you qualify for specific studies.
Research Participation | Department of Psychology
How does research participation work? You will be using our Psychology Department’s SONA system to sign up for research studies – and to complete the Psychology Department Research Questionnaire at the beginning of the semester. The Research Questionnaire may make you eligible for particular studies, ones which require an Invitation Code.
SONA Research Participant Information | Research | Psychology
Sona research participant information for the Important Dates, How to Register, How to Login, Signing up for Experiments, Completed Experiments, Cancellation Policy, Errors/Bugs in the system, and forms for Researchers.
Logging into Sona | UC Davis Research Participation
How do I log into Sona? To activate your account, go to the UC Davis Sona login page. The Sona site is configured through Central Authentication Service (CAS) Single Sign-On (SSO). You can log into the system using your UC Davis credentials.
Instructions for Using SONA Page | Department of …
The SONA online research management system is used to allow students to efficiently obtain research participation credit.
SONA - Psychology
Sona is an online scheduling system used to record your research participation credit. You will go to the Sona website to find out what studies are being offered in a given quarter and use the site to sign up for studies.
SONA - Department of Psychology
Many students are involved in research, not only as researchers themselves, but also as participants or subjects. To assist in coordination of the studies and to access research opportunities, the Department of Psychology uses a computer system called SONA.